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The professionals at Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center provide marriage counseling in Little Rock. This skilled and focused area of counseling helps couples work towards a more harmonious union.

Local couple’s therapy is designed to focus on communication and trust issues. Even if your relationship is in decent shape already, this does not mean your relationship cannot benefit from marriage counseling in Little Rock. After all, for the most important relationship in your life, you should demand more than just okay. Read on to learn more about how Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center is helping couples just like you to improve their marital relationship.

What Exactly is a Relationship Counselor?

A marriage counselor is usually a licensed therapist who specializes in marriage and family relationships. Most counselors have graduate or postgraduate degrees that uniquely qualify them to guide couples through therapy.

Educational Background of a Relationship Counselor

The following is a breakdown of the various degrees you might encounter when seeking a therapist for local couples therapy.

MA: Master of Arts: This is usually focused on rehabilitation studies or counseling.
MEd: Masters of Education: This is often in counseling.
MS: Masters of Science: This is usually in counseling.
MSSW: Masters of Science in social work.
MMFT: Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy
PhD: Doctor of Philosophy

Types of Licensing for Marriage Counseling in Little Rock:

The following are the types of licensing your family counselor might possess in addition to their educational accolades:

  • LCSW: Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • LPC: Licensed Professional Counselor
  • LCDC: Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
  • LMFT: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Psychologist
Interest Areas and Specialties

In addition to a therapist’s education and licensing, you should also be interested in their area of specialization. When contemplating marriage counseling, you want to find a therapist with a specialty or interest in marriage and family relational issues.

More About Relationship Counseling

Now that you have discovered the various degrees and licensing a therapist can have, it is time to look at the counseling itself. In some cases, marriage counseling is temporary in nature, lasting only as long as it takes a couple to work through an issue. It is also important to note that marriage counseling can help couples of all types, whether they are married or not.

What is Couples Counseling? 

In many cases, therapy is designed to help couples process through an issue. This process includes a series of actions that move towards achieving the desired end. The following are some of the issues that can be addressed through processing in marriage counseling:

  • Sexual difficulties
  • Communication problems
  • Conflicts involving blended families or child rearing
  • Substance abuse issues that are causing relational problems
  • Infidelity
  • Anger
How We Encourage Stronger Marriages

 At the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center, our therapists are all highly qualified to address the issues that affect marriages and relationships today, such as the matters listed above. We encourage you to contact us today by calling 501-222-3463 to learn more about how relationship counseling can make a positive difference in your relationship, no matter its current state. 

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