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Planning a wedding is a wonderful time to connect with your future spouse and enjoy the process of bringing your joint creative vision together. While many people experience happiness during this period, the need to make an abundance of decisions and compromises in a short period of time can lead to increased stress.

You have probably heard the term bridezilla or groomzilla—words coined to describe a couple stressed to the maximum level during the course of a planning a wedding—and could even be accused of being one yourself. But how do you put away the anxiety of your impending nuptials and just enjoy the moment with your sweetheart? Meeting with one of the many marriage counselors in Little Rock, AR is just one method to help the two of you ensure a strong bond before your big day. Here are some other tips that the professionals at the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center recommend to help you and your spouse reduce your anxiety.

It’s Normal To Be Stressed

According to a recent survey, wedding planning is often considered one of the most stressful life events potential brides and grooms will endure. Why? To start, there are many important decisions regarding finances, family dynamics, and set expectations that have to be addressed. In addition, creating a life plan for after the wedding—i.e. bank accounts, last names, and living situations—can make the process of planning your event even more anxiety-filled.

What Can a Relationship Counselor Do?

Meeting with a relationship counselor is often the best solution for overcoming anxiety and stress during the wedding planning process. By meeting with a third-party, you and your future spouse can help work through making big decisions together while addressing issues as they come up.

General Tips for Reduced Anxiety While Planning Your Wedding

In addition to seeking therapy, there are a variety of other solutions for reducing stress while planning your wedding.

  • Create Time for Self-Care: Take time out of your day each day to pursue something for yourself. This can be a hot bubble bath, journaling, meditation, or even something as simple as cranking up the radio and singing along to your favorite song.
  • Keep Alternatives in Mind: Have an alternative plan in mind, just in case it rains or the photographer cancels last minute. Remember, sometimes the best blessings happen when things do not go as they were initially planned. If something happens to go wrong, it is important not to blame your spouse or take any anger out on them.
  • Remember Why You Fell in Love: When it comes to planning a wedding, many couples lose sight of why they fell in love in the first place. Step back from planning to enjoy a romantic date or another special moment.

If you and your spouse are planning a wedding and are starting to get frustrated, Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center can help. Contact us today by calling (501) 222-3463 to learn more about our numerous therapy services for couples and to receive a free consultation.

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