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According to a statistic shared by the CDC, ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects around 6 million children aged 3-17 worldwide.

Many families have one or more children with ADHD, which can be a struggle if they do not have the proper tools and resources to understand the disorder and help their kids overcome its challenges.

In this article, we share valuable information about ADHD, including what it is, common signs, and what families can do to build strong bonds with the help of family therapy.

family therapy for adhd

What Is The Difference Between ADD and ADHD?

ADHD and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are two different conditions that share common symptoms and are actually grouped into the same category.

According to WebMD, “…in 1994, doctors decided all forms of attention-deficit disorder would be called "attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder," or ADHD, even if the person wasn't hyperactive.” Thus, now, both terms, ADHD and ADD, refer to the same diagnosis.

Since attention deficit hyperactivity is a disorder that affects the brain, it can interfere with your child’s daily activities at school or home. Some symptoms of ADHD can present in children even though they don't have the disorder. It's important to consult a professional before taking action.

Signs That Your Child Might Have ADHD/ADD

You should look for certain signs if you suspect your child might have ADHD.

  • Impulsivity. Impulsivity includes acting without stopping to think about the consequences of their actions, always looking for immediate rewards, and regularly interrupting friends, teachers, and family.
  • Not paying attention. Inattention includes being disorganized, daydreaming a lot, struggling with staying focused on a task, and being elsewhere when spoken to.
  • Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity comes in various forms, like constantly moving, fidgeting, tapping, and talking, among others.

How ADHD & ADD Can Affect Your Family

Parenting a child with attention deficit hyperactivity is not an easy task, and it can affect your family if you don’t have the proper support from a professional.

ADHD can manifest in different forms, and consequently, it can impact your family in various areas. Often, children with ADHD struggle with obeying parental orders and helping with household tasks due to their hyperactivity and inattention.

Apart from this, children with attention deficit hyperactivity tend to be disorganized, which leads to a household mess. Not to mention they have issues with going to bed when they’re told so, and many more things.

It's not always easy to know where to turn to for help navigating the challenges parents face. Family therapy is a great place to turn, and Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center has the resources available to help.

What Is Family Therapy & How It Can Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Kids

Family therapy for ADHD helps families adapt to their child with attention deficit hyperactivity’s needs and understand how they see the world and react to it.

According to MedicalNewsToday, research about the effectiveness of family therapy in the treatment of adolescents with mental health problems shows family therapy helps young people struggling with mental health conditions have fewer problems after the fact. Parents also feel their parenting skills improve and bring the family closer together.

Therapy for ADHD can truly help parents strengthen bonds with their children with attention deficit hyperactivity and create a peaceful place to live.

Further, family therapy can help young people feel more comfortable at home, trust their parents more, and adapt to new environments such as school, extracurricular activities, sports, and more.

Ways to Build Strong ADD/ADHD Bonds with Family Therapy

Family therapy for ADHD is highly recommended to overcome the adversities of raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity, as well as creating a loving and understanding home.

Here are five ways that family therapy can help build strong bonds for individuals with ADHD:

Establishing Clear Communication

One of the key challenges for individuals with ADHD is communicating effectively. Family therapy can help families establish clear communication by teaching them how to listen actively and express themselves in a way that is respectful and effective. This can help reduce misunderstandings and conflicts and improve overall communication within the family.

Providing Support and Understanding

Individuals with ADHD often feel misunderstood and isolated, which can lead to feelings of frustration and anger. Family therapy can help families understand the unique challenges that individuals with ADHD face and provide support and understanding. This can help improve relationships and reduce the negative impact of ADHD on daily life.

Improving Problem-Solving Skills

Individuals with ADHD often have difficulty with problem-solving and decision-making. Family therapy can help families learn how to work together to identify and solve problems and develop strategies for managing difficult situations. This can help improve overall functioning and reduce stress within the family.

Building Positive Relationships

Individuals with ADHD may struggle with social skills and forming positive relationships. Family therapy can help families learn how to support each other and build strong, positive relationships. This can help individuals with ADHD develop the skills they need to form and maintain healthy relationships with others.

Managing Stress and Emotional Regulation

ADHD can be a source of significant stress for individuals and families. Family therapy can help families learn how to manage stress and regulate their emotions in a healthy way through communication. This can help reduce the negative impact of stress on daily life and improve overall well-being.

Quality Therapy for ADHD

Engaging in family therapy for ADHD can bring many benefits to your life and your loved ones as well.

We know that most support centers have month-long waiting lists and that you need professional guidance today, which is why we’re proud to offer effective treatment options for people with ADD/ADHD at the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center.

You’re not alone, and we have qualified professionals ready to help you and your family overcome the adversities of ADHD. Further, if you need a child ADD/ADHD test, we have a certified clinician that can provide one.

Book a consultation so we can get started on helping your child and your family enhance their life.

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